Monday, August 04, 2008

Mohammed Khan, Ex-Chairman, Bates David Enterprise

Mohammed Mohammed KhanKhan, Ex-Chairman, Bates David Enterprise: They both form an outstanding team. They have good talent as they go through the brief and seek all information that needs to be taken. They take a lot of trouble in understanding the market. Hallmark of their work is that they offer radical ideas that are refreshing. They worked on a car pitch (I fail to remember which one), which was a spectacular campaign. I remember them mostly for that campaign as we worked very closely. They are thorough, covering all the angles and think of creative solutions passionately. One thing common between both of them is that they are extremely passionate about their business. They are the silent types who are every serious about what they do. It is really great to have them and if they stick to the nitty-gritty, like they always do, they have a long way to go.

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